Research Interests
Network measurement, Internet topology and routing.
I obtained my Ph.D degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland, advised by Prof. Neil Spring. I also work extensively with Prof. Dave Levin and Prof. Bobby Bhattacharjee.
I am interested in measuring the Internet: its topology, performance and dynamic nature. Specifically, my dissertation research focuses on understanding the interactions between interdomain routing and IP anycast, and improving the performance and reliability of critical anycast-based Internet infrastructure that affects millions of gloabl Internet users. I also work on security and privacy problems around Internet routing.
Before joining UMD, I received my B.Eng. degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2012.
- Internet Anycast: Performance, Problems and Potential.
Zhihao Li, Dave Levin, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee
- DeTor: Provably Avoiding Geographic Regions in Tor.
Zhihao Li, Stephen Herwig, Dave Levin
USENIX Security 2017
- Longitudinal Analysis of Root Server Anycast Inefficiencies.
Zhihao Li, Dave Levin, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee
Technical Report,2017
- Anomaly Detection on D-root.
Zhihao Li, Dave Levin, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Neil Spring
DINR Workshop 2016
(DNS and Internet Naming Research Directions)
- UAv6: Alias Resolution in IPv6 Using Unused Addresses.
Ramakrishna Padmanabhan*, Zhihao Li*, Dave Levin, Neil Spring
PAM 2015
(Passive and Active Measurement Conference)
- Alibi Routing.
Dave Levin, Youndo Lee, Luke Valenta, Zhihao Li, Victoria Lai, Cristian Lumezanu, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee
- D-Root DNS Server
Measurement and analysis of the query traffic sent to the D-Root DNS root nameserver, which is hosted by University of Maryland.
- DeTor: Provably Avoiding Geographic Regions in Tor
DeTor is a set of techniques for proving when a Tor circuit has avoided user-specified geographic regions.
- Alibi Routing
Alibi Routing is a peer-to-peer system that allows users to understand and control where in the world their packets don't go.
- Alias Resolution in IPv6
UAv6 is a state-of-art alias resolution technique for IPv6.